and then i remember …

Crazy. Literally. My life is literally crazy.

~ a five year old’s ruptured ear drum
~ cat pee in curtains
~ using face toner to remove eye makeup
~ using hair gel as face moisturizer
~ rotting roof that needs repair {in numerous places}
~ mold in the hvac system
~ having the house hepa-vacc’ed
~ unexpectedly making dinner for 15 that are homeless
~ an eight year old with a hurting heart
~ never. enough. sleep
~ living and sleeping with industrial machines and fans so loud we can’t hear each other talk
~ mental stresses too detailed to mention
~ dogs eating cat poop and dragging it through the house
~ said dog’s lunch doesn’t sit well and I’m cleaning her mess off the carpet
~ nine year old in tears thinking “Bob” {the water dragon} died.  thankful for false alarm
~ ten workers in the house sterilizing it and the air
~ consoling a teen in tears, in the middle of the kitchen with crazy literally swirling around us

And then I remember . . .

1.  A place to find joy amidst my sorrow.
6.  A husband who asks for prayer.
12.  Happy texts from daughters thankful for homemade french onion soup.
20.  Sweet notes written to the tooth fairy.
25.  Peace for today.
32.  Courage to stand up for, and share our trials.
33.  Walking in on daughters saying prayers aloud.
45.  Blessing others and filling them with wakeful joy.
53.  Taking time to slow down and listen to a hurting child.
54.  Charlie Brown band-aids stuck to my sheets.
62.  Signs revealed when we need to touch His hem.
70.  Trusting my {writing} voice.

Are you making Joy a habit?


  1. Barbie January 23, 2012 at 2:53 am

    Yes, yes, yes! Even though my life can be chaotic more often then not, I choose to look to see His gifts all around me!

  2. Jessica Lynette January 23, 2012 at 6:23 am

    I am not following the “official” Joy dare, but it’s funny you posted this today as my post right now is about how there is joy in the home when there is thankfulness in the hearts.

    There is much in this world to be thankful for. God is good.

    And I love that green book cover… notebook? Bible?

  3. dawn January 23, 2012 at 6:28 am

    God is good, even in the mess. especially in the mess? your world is swirling and i wish i was close enough to lend a hand or whisk you away. know i’m praying for the mess to lessen, giving praise for the gifts & continuing on with all tje rest. xoxo

  4. Km January 23, 2012 at 8:01 am

    Oh my!!! Oh my!!! Crazy to the extreme… And What a gift to be able to see the humor in it and feel GOD’S love even when it gets ugly!

  5. Leslie January 23, 2012 at 10:54 am

    So proud of you for not getting bogged down in the unpleasant minutia that life has brought your way! Not an easy task, my friend! You always inspire me to do better in that department in my own pile-of-crazy! Love you!

  6. cyndi January 23, 2012 at 12:03 pm

    Learning how to focus on the joy in your life, instead of the crazy that can quickly bog you down, is a true gift. I’m with Les, you inspire me to always look for the blessings! Sure, sometimes it’s super hard but I always find that by putting things into the proper perspective helps me live a more balanced & grateful life. Huge hugs to you & all your crazy! Also lots of love & hugs to those precious & beautiful girls of yours.

  7. Lori January 23, 2012 at 1:13 pm

    We just returned from the doctor for my 9 1/2 year old’s ruptured ear drum! Poor thing… :( Life can be crazy, but God is constant…so thankful for that. Through it all, He gives us family, friends, and community to share His love and bear one another’s burdens. Thank you for sharing your heart!

  8. Betty Boetcher January 23, 2012 at 5:57 pm

    I have to find joy in what is around me and in the little things that happen. My husband is in an assisted living facility…on Friday they called to tell me that he was unresponsive, and when he did start responding he was incoherent and was listing to one side. I wasn’t going to see him on Friday (that was my plan) because of the snow storm. So I met him at the hospital – he knew my name – but doesn’t always know my place in his life. I know my place in his life – and after 34 years, if he isn’t able to figure it out, it’s OK.

    OK – I need to find JOY in this somehow. The doctor and nurse and all the other people who touched John were there and knowledgable. They were kind to me – they asked what can I do for you. They listened to me. I did not want him to stay in the hospital. He would be scared and more confused than usual. They will have a sitter stay in his room all night with him—-never heard of that.
    The home said that he could go back there Friday night. (Thank You – God).
    The ambulance would return him to the home (Thank you – God) The doctor tried to see if he could walk on his own, he was not able to. I certainly couldn’t handle him. I don’t know how much the bill will be (Please God, Thank you!!).
    The ambulance would take longer, because of the bad roads (remember the snow storm).

    I got home (I got up for work at 5:00 AM) and my new kitty (Abraham – or Abey Baby) was waiting for me to cuddle. He’s soft and gorgeous!!! And he purrs!! (Thank you – God)
    The driveway was cleaned out, the steps were shoveled -thanks to the retired “boys” on our street. (Thank you God).
    I have a lot of joy in my life.
    I will be going down to see John again tonite, I will count my joys – one by one. There is joy everywhere. In everything – sometimes you have to really look (I don’t know about cat pee in the curtains) that would be a struggle. Tracie — I learn from you everyday – thanks for helping me find JOY and reminding me that God is there for me, helping to find that joy.

  9. Sue January 23, 2012 at 6:46 pm

    Wow….I can not believe you found calm in all that craziness. Thank you for the reminder to look for Joy …… I have been too focused on my own craziness to take time to pray and reflect.

    :) Sue

  10. Cat Moore January 23, 2012 at 9:41 pm

    loved this. thank you. been stalking your blog for days waiting for a new post. ;) love you, cat

  11. Beryl January 25, 2012 at 4:27 pm

    Hang in there Tracie and keep focusing on the joy. It is all to easy to get caught up in the negatives if you let yourself – especially when you are a Mother!

    The ear drum thing is so common. We are going to see a specialist next week to discuss ear tubes for my 6 year old. She had them at 1 but now after 5 ear infections in a row, looks like she will need them again.

  12. Pingback: Tracie Stier-Johnson

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