every moment a gift of love {392 – 410}

“God makes love with grace upon grace, every moment a making of His love for us.”
Ann Voskamp, one thousand gifts, page 216

Every moment we are given is a gift of God’s making … a making of His great love for us. It’s up to us to pause and recognize the beauty in each moment. Are you counting?

392. date night with the teen
393. surprise Mother’s Day mail
394. the power of blue nail polish
395. hidden toads
396. Psalm 71:20-21
397. pain meds for the kid set
398. my girls encouraging others with scripture
399. the dog groomer
400. before bedtime family walks
401. salted caramel bars
402. freshly painted toes
403. freshly made bed
404. massage certificate from my girls
405. a massage
406. a card from a friend
407. a new Bible study
408. two weeks ’til school’s out!
409. how to miss a childhood {I’ll be reading this numerous times}
410. she knows I love her for who she is

How are you finding Joy? Are you seeing God in the small details of your life? Dare to join me in the Joy Dare?


  1. dawn May 14, 2012 at 2:31 pm

    i am SO trying to get back on track… you inspire me :)

  2. Km May 15, 2012 at 10:50 pm

    What a reminder to savor every single second… Your joy lists always make me smile!!!!


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