seeing the flowers

I was recently driving on the interstate heading home into a whole lotta crazy. My mind was swirling with the things I needed to get done and the crazy I’d been through the day before.

When out of the corner of my eye, I saw in a blur … highway workers … picking up trash.

But the image I want to always remember?

One of them, in his orange reflector vest, stopped for a minute … saw the beauty of wildflowers all around him, held his camera up and stood there taking photos.

It struck me that his job was to pick up trash, but while doing that he saw the beauty around him and stopped to capture it.

How often the trash of this life can overwhelm me. I’m so busy picking up {and sometimes being buried in} that trash, that I forget to look up and see the beauty that surrounds me.

Lord, thank you for sending me these little reminders to stop and see the beauty you’ve put around me. Help me to not get so caught up in my own crazy that I can’t see the small gifts you’ve laid out right before me.


  1. Southern Gal May 29, 2012 at 6:33 am

    A beautiful reminder to stop and admire the flowers…live in the moment.

  2. Jen May 29, 2012 at 8:32 am

    How cool that you saw the flowers. And, so did that highway worker who was picking up trash. The image..of him stopping..taking his camera out to take a photo of those flowers…it makes me smile. So often we forget to see the beauty in the small when we are surrounded by all of the other STUFF. T’was a tough day/weekend for me. Thank you for this reminder.

  3. pamela May 29, 2012 at 8:35 am

    that. is a beautiful story. :)

  4. Kelli May 29, 2012 at 8:41 am

    First of all, your photos make the hair on my arms stand up. Amazing. Second, I love this post. So simple and so true. Third, thank you for your comment and encouragement this morning. They meant so much. Have a great day staring at the beauty!

  5. Leslie May 29, 2012 at 9:13 am

    Awesome reminder, sweetie. And much needed today! :-) Love ya!

  6. km May 29, 2012 at 3:07 pm

    ohhhh wow wow wow! I just love this post… love your wisdom and your insights… BEAUTY is all around us… we all need to be more like that trash collector.


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