“yeah, but …”

Have you ever been deep in conversation with someone who was in angst over a decision, a conflict, a situation or just plain ol’ needed some advice?

I’m not talking about unsolicited advice … I know we’re good at that too! I’m talking about a friend or loved one who is in deep. angst. over a situation and needs a bit of wisdom to help them see above the turmoil.

In knowing their situation, you may have already prayerfully sought out advice to offer. Or in the heart of the discussion, you may pull from your already-sought-out godly wisdom.

Or … the fact of the matter is … most times, as an outsider you can see the situation in a much better light than the person walking the path. So the advice you offer may be from that perspective.

So. There you are. Pouring your heart out and offering the soundest, most godly wisdom you have.

Your friend is sitting across from you nodding her head. Yes, she gets it! She hears you. “You’re right,” she says.

And then.

You get the, “yeah, but …”

Have you been there?

Or maybe it’s you across the table in angst. Listening to a friend pour out her heart of godly wisdom. And the “yeah, but …” comes from your mouth?

I’m the first to admit … sometimes we just don’t want to hear it. Sometimes we just want someone to agree with our sorrow, our misery, our turmoil, and pain. Sometimes we just want them to sit in it with us and we close our ears to the truth.

Or maybe it’s the enemy that wants us to sit in our sorrow and closes our ears? Hmmm …

Here’s what I read last week from the New Century Version:

“Fools think they are doing right, but the wise listen to advice.” Proverbs 12:15

“… and the one who hates to be corrected will die.” Proverbs 15:10b

“If you listen to correction to improve your life,
you will live among the wise.” Proverbs 15:31

Seems to me, God knew we’d be sitting across from a friend one day in need of wisdom and truth. Seems to me, He knew the enemy would cause us to close our ears to this wisdom and truth.

And so He put it right there in His word, our daily bread … “the wise listen to advice; the one who hates to be corrected will die; listening to correction will put you amongst the wise.”

Lord, thank you for your word and promises. Thank you for godly wisdom and advice. Lord, help me to never close my ears to Your truth. Father, may my spirit discern when the enemy is prowling. Please surround me with godly women and mentors full of your wisdom and truth. And lastly Father, let me never wallow in my misery and turmoil. Let me see the truth and act on it. Let me bring glory to you in every situation I face.


  1. dawn June 5, 2012 at 4:21 am

    i find myself in that situation… more often than i think is normal. and sometimes i feel like i should just bite my tongue rather than have that “yeah but…” come from my mouth! i have wondered where it comes from… a need to say to my two cents? a place a love? both? i have never considered that it might be coming from Him. {that might make me feel better} xoxo

    love you!!

  2. Kelly June 5, 2012 at 6:36 am

    Thank you for this word this morning. I needed it.

  3. cyndi June 5, 2012 at 9:06 am

    So, so true. I’m sure I do this more than I realize. Hopefully this will sink in & I’ll be more aware of when I’m not listening to sage advice. No more “yeah…buts” for me!

  4. Ginger June 5, 2012 at 11:55 am

    My teenagers need to get this…wait! so do I. Ouch, in the very best way.

  5. cat moore June 5, 2012 at 11:49 pm

    I have enjoyed getting caught up on your blog and reading your last few posts. Thank you for this one especially. I’ve been in that position recently. And, it was like the Holy Spirit spoke to me as I was listening to the one giving the advice. Love you and your posts! blessings, cat


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