antiquing, decorating, and grand-dad’s clothes

I wear your grand-dad’s clothes
I look incredible …
{lyrics from Thrift Shop}

I’ve been so very thankful for my friend Angela … in more ways than one! But today I’m going to share how she’s rubbing off on me!

To sum it up in a short and sweet sentence, “She’s helped me see things in a new way.”

Quite honestly, before I started hanging around her, I would’ve seen the things in these photographs below and just passed them by. And to be even more honest, because I didn’t shop in thrift or antique stores, I probably wouldn’t have seen them in the first place!

But all that’s changed.

In the past, I wouldn’t have known what to do with any of these items. And now, my head is spinning with possibilities and my heart flutters with the potential loveliness!

Loveliness, no? And trust me, I was so sucked in by the other things I saw, I stopped taking photos!

Funny story, I’ve been doing a lot of some redecorating lately and Wynter says to me, “Soooo … is our theme kinda broken up, torn apart stuff?” Outta the mouths of babes!

Anyway. Just wanted to share that, along with other things in my life, I’m also seeing decorating in a new way … a new light … re-purposing and finding value in something another may have thought of as junk.

Thank you dear friend for showing me how to look at the things around me in a different way.

{^^ sweet Angela with a different vantage point ^^}


  1. Button Bird Designs July 19, 2013 at 8:25 am

    Girlllllll you are making me cry happy tears this morning. Thank you for this. Ahhhhhh love you!!!!

  2. Fiona July 23, 2013 at 6:57 pm

    Which reminds me… you know what your girlies may love? Find some old paintings in thrift stores- maybe of horses? landscapes?- and let them personalize them at home. They can add themselves, butterflies, rainbows… whatever. New art on old art is superfun!

  3. Dawn July 28, 2013 at 10:23 pm

    I love the pictures you posted, a lot of older furniture is so beautiful! That is so funny and sweet what your little girl said about your “theme”!


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