(in)couraged to hope – unglued #6

I can decide now what I want to be known for — words that sum up my life, my impact, my influence, my contribution to this world. What will be my lingering words?

Lingering words are words that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy {Philippians 4:8}. Think about such things. Don’t get overwhelmed thinking about living these words for the rest of your life. Just think about waht words you want to live today, because today is a great day for some intentionally chosen words. ~ Lysa Terkeurst, Unglued DVD

As I continue this study of Lysa Terkeurst’s Unglued, I’m becoming so aware of my own unglued tendencies and what triggers them. Chapters nine and ten were like gold to me … especially chapter ten.

In chapter nine, we read about “The Empty Woman.” Lysa describes her as “the woman who drops seeds of comparison into the furrows of her soul.” And shares, “the more I compare, the emptier I become.”

I’m embarrassed to say how many times have I been guilty of this. I know jealousy is not life-giving and yet … sometimes I go there.

So then, how to switch those thoughts into something that is life-giving?

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. Galatians 6:4-5 MSG

Lysa encourages us to carry our own loads. To turn our jealous spirits into a giving spirit. The choice is ours.

And chapter ten? It’s got me undone.

Lysa warns, “toxic thoughts are so dangerous because they leave no room for truth to flourish. And lies are what reign in the absence of truth.”

We are to park our minds on constructive thoughts, not destructive thoughts … thoughts that breathe life into us, not suck life from us. ~ Lysa Terkeurst, Unglued, page 144

I posted the above quote to our Facebook group the other day and received comments saying, “We know this, but it’s so hard to do.” Oh friends don’t I know it?! I constantly struggle with negative chatter. I have to make a conscious effort not to spiral so far down in my own negative chatter that it’d take a rescue team to pull me out of my self-inflicted pit of negativity.

I have to consistently ask the Holy Spirit to quicken my thoughts when they dip into the pool of negativity.

Because ultimately, doesn’t it go back to Lysa’s wisdom at the top of this post? What I think relates to how I speak. And how I speak relates to how I live. What will be my lingering words? What will my life reflect?

Lysa ends chapter ten with these words, “How a woman thinks is often how she lives. May we think on and live out truth, and only truth, today.”

Praying I can always be that woman!

This next week we’ll be covering session six in our participant’s guide and chapters eleven and twelve in the book. Lysa calls this next session, “Imperfect Progress for the Unglued.” She’ll discuss taking time for our souls to exhale and taking an honest peek inside our souls … our “underbellies.”

Jacque and I continue to be thankful for each of you walking along side us on this journey of imperfect progress. I truly believe God has great things in store for each of us. Let’s not get discouraged with the “imperfect” and instead focus on the “progress.”


  1. Pingback: Unglued {Lesson 6} & (in)couraged to hope Link-up! - Mercy Found MeMercy Found Me

  2. Southern Gal November 13, 2012 at 8:09 am

    I’m not quite caught up to you, but I’m reveling in the truths Lysa is revealing to me through this study.

  3. Stephanie November 13, 2012 at 9:17 am

    This is so timely – I find that I struggle often with my thoughts and it just snowballs from there. One thought then another and pretty soon I’m in a really bad place! I used to think that I should be able to say a prayer and take them captive all at once – but am now realizing it’s a daily, hourly even minute by minute process for me some days. But that’s ok – it’s the forward progress that counts. And I am so thankful to God for covering me in grace even when my thoughts are a complete mess! He really does care for us.

  4. Pingback: Humbled by Joy

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