isn’t joy the art of god? {411-451}

The art of deep seeing makes gratitude possible. And it is the art of gratitude that makes joy possible. Isn’t joy the art of God?

Ann Voskamp, one thousand gifts, page 118

Some days … some seasons even … require the “art of deep seeing.” I’m thankful God knows those days and seasons come our way at times. And it’s in those times, He’s faithful to help me see deeply.

411. sleepovers
412. a graduate
413. potty training for the canine set
414. reconnecting
415. margaritas on a friday night
416. successful surgery
417. instagram
418. a new porch sitting area
419. completed teacher gifts
420. target
421. booking vacation
422. a friend who loves at all times
423. wildflowers
424. my good morning girls
426. a ten year old looking for lost heart treasures
427. a surprise party
428. a visit with my nephew and a God who brings healing
429. she reads truth – soul detox
430. a husband hungry for the Word
431. a new friend for the teen
432. purple martins and pheasants
433. balloons on a string
434. pinterest
436. school’s out = summer begins
437. a teen who rides
438. a groovy eight year old
439. kisses from katie
440. world’s tallest roses
441. the roller coaster park
442. home sweet home
443. corn dogs for mother’s day
444. new book love
445. supporting a friend
446. Isaiah 66:19
447. the six year old still sleeping beside me
448. the promise of “this is the last night”
449. joy-filled girls
450. cookie dough ice cream
451. a game of pool

How are you finding Joy? Are you seeing God in the small details of your life? Dare to join me in the Joy Dare?


  1. Km June 4, 2012 at 12:35 am

    Beyond beautiful!

  2. cyndi June 4, 2012 at 7:51 am

    I so love these lists! #422 got me all teary-eyed (in a good way of course!)

  3. Stacey June 4, 2012 at 8:03 am

    The art of deep seeing…oh my, that is a treasure.

    Counting the minutes to see your sweet face friend!

  4. Carolyn June 4, 2012 at 8:14 am

    ahhh…. this motivated me to catch up on my own list~~ thanks Tracie
    Thankful for your story


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