the adventures of cheeto

I couldn’t be happier to announce … Cheeto has left the building!!

But let me start at the beginning of this tail tale …

Once upon a time two eighteen-year-old twin birthday princes caught a snake in the yard. They soon figured this snake would need something to eat, and decided to visit the local pet store to buy said snake his dinner.

Meanwhile back at the boys home, a queen and her four princesses appeared in search of a birthday party.

When the twin boys arrived home with the snake and it’s dinner, three little princesses went into superhero mode and decided to save said “dinner.”

The princesses found a box, some bedding, changed dinner’s name to “Cheeto, the mouse,” and brought Cheeto home to their palace at the end of a very fine birthday evening.

All was well and good until Cheeto decided to make a run for it and escaped his new kingdom.

Cheeto proceeded to live for about two months in the palace, roaming freely, and leaving tell tail tale signs that he was alive and thriving.

The queen had a few enchanted encounters with Cheeto while he was loose in the palace. But try as she might, she just couldn’t trap free the little bugger. Did I mention little Cheeto had a rendezvous in the queen’s been one evening. Um, yeah.

It was then the queen got smart and hopped on Amazon to get herself a real trap! Finally the box with a smile on it arrived. A smile indeed!

Cheeto seemed to spend most of his time in the palace … um … cheetos, so the queen thought the pantry the best place for the trap. With no such luck. Until one evening, one of the palace princesses heard little Cheeto in the pantry. She called out to the queen, who called the bravest princesses out of bed, “Come quick! Cheeto’s in the cheetos and y’all need to catch him.”

I’m telling you … crazy ensued in that pantry! And little Cheeto escaped by the hair on his tail chinny-chin-chin!

The princesses were certain little Cheeto often rendezvoused in their bedroom and insisted the trap would best be utilized there. And sure enough my friends!

At 2:00am the princesses woke the queen to inform her Cheeto had been trapped! Blurry-eyed, but excited, the queen stumbled jumped out of bed and headed to the trap.

“Ah-ha! Now I’ve got you!” she thought to herself … aloud. “Let’s git him outta here!” Apparently the queen loses all dignity at 2:00am. And she, with the princesses following, marched straight into the neighbors yard and let little Cheeto loose.

The moral of this story? God save the cheetos queen! Also? Just go with the whole circle-of-life-thing the next time your princesses want to rescue a snake’s dinner.


  1. Southern Gal September 27, 2012 at 6:58 am

    What a great fairy tail, er, tale. ;) That queen is one brave woman. Bless her heart.
    My daughter had one of Cheetos country cousins decide to visit her home via the vacuum cleaner which was kept on the screen porch…not any more. They caught it that night while it was pulling baby socks from behind the dryer to make a nest. Eeeeekkkk!

  2. Beth September 27, 2012 at 7:35 am

    Beautiful story! So glad Cheeto was saved, but agree the Circle-Of-Life thing would be better….

  3. Susan Lesperance September 27, 2012 at 8:58 am

    Tracie, what an enchanting story filled with lots of love, adventure and hijinks. You do have a lovely way with words–entertaining and captivating. Thank you for the happy ending…I am sure Cheeto appreciated it as well. Keep on writing–and this reader will keeping reading!

  4. Debbie September 27, 2012 at 1:13 pm

    We had mice in our Bible school dorm and the girls thought that it would be best if they were to vacuum up the little scared fur ball that was cornered! Not really so humane I don’t think so it was ‘taken care of’ before they came back!! Now since I have a few ‘Cheetos’ in my house the first thing I thought of was what kind of trap was it since it CLEARLY works?!

  5. Betty Boetcher September 27, 2012 at 2:17 pm

    Absolutely charming!! I loved it–Cheetos relatives have also visited my house a time or two. Lovely little rascals!! I used to think there was a sign out in the backyard- with an arrow on it—“THIS WAY TO WINTERS PARADISE INN”. I do think your visitor was cuter than mine. Of course, I didn’t get up close—I was standing on a chair!!
    You lifted my spirits today – but then you always do—



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