vegas & a photography lesson

Wow!  It’s been a week.  A fulfilling, exhausting week!

Tuesday morning I took Hunter to the Milwaukee Public Museum {for our weekly field trip}, only to find out it was closed.  We packed it up and headed to Discovery World instead.  We had about an hour to kill before we met Amy & Mallory for lunch and it ended up to be perfect timing and Hunter loved the ‘fishies.’

After a fun lunch with Amy & Mal, we quickly ran home for Hunter to take her ‘nukie naptime.’  While she was doing that I was quickly packing and getting ready to head to Vegas to surprise Curt.

I left at 2:00 and got into Vegas at 5:30, just in time to quickly run to the hotel, change and go down to a presentation by Chris Gardner {Pursuit of Happyness story} that Curt would be flying into for.

Curt had been in Minnesota for a board meeting, and was flying into Vegas for a trade show and big announcementhis company was making.

So … I’m sitting in our seats waiting for Curt to get in {his flight arrived at 6:30}, so when he was ushered into the theater … there I was!  He was super surprised and I was super excited!!

Then on Thursday morning, he headed home and I headed to Orange County to meet Jessica Claire for a one-on-one photography lesson.

It was SO incredibly awesome!  She taught me a lot about lighting, lenses, and some quick fixes to enhance photos in photoshop.  It was a great day.  She had a lot of patience for me and I soaked up all she had to offer.

I didn’t realize this was going to happen, but she arranged a photo shoot of her neighbors daughters for us to shoot together.  That was just plain cool!  The girls were just way too cute.  Ansley made every possible face she could think of.  And Addison reminded me of my girls, in the dirt, collecting rocks, and looking for bugs.

I shot close to 700 photos, but have narrowed it down for your viewing pleasure.  If you get a chance, let me know what you think.  Click here to view them.

Thank you Jessica and girls for a great day and learning experience!

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