camp anokijig

The girls had planned this experience months ago … long before we moved.   And it was important to me that they still be able to attend, so I’m super happy it all worked out!  They each had a friend going with, but it also warmed my heart to know they’d be there together.  Turns out, in fact, their cabins were just down the path from each other.

We traveled back to Wisconsin a little over a week ago and drove the girls up to camp where we met up with their friends.  They were so excited, I think they barely said good-bye!

But that was just fine, cuz I got to spend the week with this little cutie!  She was such a bundle!  A completely different girl without her sisters and I think just so happy to have mom & daddy all to herself.  I really need to be more intentional about carving out special time with each of my girls.

And … huge sigh … as much as I enjoyed the week, and spending time with family and friends … going back to Wisconsin, and just plain being in Wisconsin is just so hard for me.  In fact, get your coffee ready … I’ve got some brain vomit thoughts headed your way!


  1. cyndi July 5, 2011 at 8:43 am

    Bring it on my friend! Your “brain vomit” tends to get me thinking in a different (better) way & I’m ready for it!! Also ready to help you through this crazy time :-)

  2. Stacey July 5, 2011 at 8:44 am

    Tozer has this quote, “Anything God has ever done, He can do again…” or something like that. When I see your girls with their friends, I know that God can and will do close, heart, sweet friendships in their lives again. He can and He will!

  3. Amy July 5, 2011 at 10:12 am

    So glad that your girls had such a great experience at camp. I was dreading a long drive to drop my Taylor off last week, but when I went to pick her up and she shared her experiences with us I knew it was worth the drive. And spending individual time with our girls, it all goes back to our original MOD Squad thoughts on Intentional Parenting. We both know what we need to do, but it gets hard. Praying we both make time to be intentional with our girls, we will never regret it.

  4. heather July 5, 2011 at 3:55 pm

    Love how happy all 3 girls look about their week away!!!

  5. dawn July 5, 2011 at 4:54 pm

    look at all of those smiling faces!!! they are a bit contagious. i hope you caught one or two for yourself :) so glad the girls had a great time!!!

  6. Nancy July 5, 2011 at 11:39 pm

    Thanks for making the trip, Tracie! I knew it was not easy for you, but as the mom of one of the friends….I can attest to how great a week it was indeed! Never forget how closely these daughters of ours watch us and model themselves after us. Taking risks for the right reasons is on this mother’s heart, as I am sure it is on yours. So, bring on the brain vomit so those of us who love you can lift it in prayer.

  7. Shannon July 10, 2011 at 7:55 am

    I am anticipating the “brain vomit”. I have said it before and I will say it again, you give me such inspiration and strength. I was in WI for the 4th holiday and learned after the fact that you were there and thought to myself, how awesome would it be to meet you in person and sit at Starbucks and hear your strength. So glad to hear your girls had a blast. You and your family are always in my prayers.


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