thankful …

Do you often ride a high of thankfulness … and then quickly forget?

I’m guilty.

I mentioned in a recent post that CJ and I are having communication issues, and just general martial-funk issues.  I’m guilty.  It’s not all him.  As easy as it can be to blame the other … I know I’m guilty.

I’ve stopped trying.  I feel myself stepping back and closing off.  Sometimes it’s easier that way isn’t it?  Than to face the problem and get to the bottom of it?

Every morning I find myself praying to be a better wife … a beacon of God’s way for our family … for my husband.  But each day I find myself failing.

This weekend {away in Chicago} was good for CJ and I.  We needed it.  Desperately.

We held hands … a lot.

When I got frustrated … I quieted my voice.

I thanked him for each meal he bought.  For spending the weekend with me.

What struck me most though … he bought me a special gift.  And I was happy.  And thankful.  And thoughtful of the fact, that most times I’m thankless.

Do we thank our husbands when they buy us a meal?  When they hold our hands.  Or hold a door open?  Or even let you on the elevator first.

Most times I don’t.  Most times I forget.  Take for granted … after all it’s what a husband is suppose to do, isn’t it?

I posted almost a year ago {here, here and here} about the most wonderful surprise birthday party ever that CJ threw for me.  He took over year to plan it.  I was in awe.  I was in love.  I thought I would never forget the feeling of thankfulness I had.  I pretty much thought he’d banked brownie points til death.

I was wrong.  I forgot those feelings of thankfulness … so quickly, I’m ashamed of myself.

And why is it I can get all happy and thankful as soon as I get something my way again?

That’s not the woman I want to be, nor is it what I want to model to my children.  Not to mention what God wants from me … or my husband.

I wanted to post this video as a very important reminder to myself … how blessed I am.  How thankful I am.  How I have much to be thankful for.  Even in times of riding waves of sorrow or sickness … I want to be able to give thanks without having to think twice about it.

What am I unwrapping for you today?  My prayer for you is the simple gift of thanks.  In all we do, in all we have … in all we don’t have.  Everyday … in every circumstance … may we be thankful.


  1. Pam S. September 22, 2009 at 1:52 pm

    wow! that was amazing…

  2. Heather September 22, 2009 at 2:10 pm

    It is so easy to forget to be thankful for the simple things those closest to us do each day…or even forget to be thankful for those closest to us! Thank you for the (wonderfully written) reminder to hold each other tighter and to be thankful for the simple (yet SO important) things.

  3. Beth (slater) Gronland September 22, 2009 at 2:54 pm

    Amazing! Truely Amazing, I’m guilty of it too, but will cherrish Scott every day.

  4. deb September 22, 2009 at 4:04 pm

    Tracie, this made me cry. For you , for all of us, for life.
    Thank you so much for sharing it, and be encouraged !

  5. Cathy September 22, 2009 at 8:44 pm

    You’re SO right…and it’s easy to take the people and things around us for granted. What a beautiful and gentle reminder that we have so much to be grateful for, in every aspect of our lives.

  6. melissa Cornell September 22, 2009 at 9:27 pm

    girl! you gotta stop, your making me a weepy mess! your bday looked amazing. your not alone. We all forget the little and big things our husbands do and never thank them enough. If your like me, you can easily without a pause think of the last thing that upset you, but I couldn’t put a finger on the last time I said thank you. Don’t beat yourself up, we all do it. Thankfully His mercies are new everyday, so we can pick ourselves up and try again ; )

  7. emily September 23, 2009 at 11:03 am

    o my word. that video is amazing. He threw you a wedding for your 40th birthday. thanks for sharing it with us, and for offering a reminder, that thankfulness is like our daily bread–we can no more store it up once for a lifetime than we can eat once and never again. It is a daily, moment by moment unfolding of grace.

  8. Tiffany September 23, 2009 at 2:56 pm

    WOW! Crying, crying, crying! Thanks for reminding us to be thankful. How easy it is to forget all of the good times.

  9. Sharone September 24, 2009 at 12:46 pm

    I’m grateful that you have the courage to be vulnerable. Thank you for the reminder that paying attention to the little things can go a long way toward fixing the big things. God bless you.


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