home court advantage

The more the merrier!

I’ve always been a believer in inviting the girls friends into our home.  I love having a crowd of girls running around.  It’s not uncommon to have 8 girls sleeping over at any given time.  And if you include me and our female pets … my poor husband doesn’t have a chance!

Join me at the MODsquad blog to find out why I believe in the home court advantage.

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  1. keely aka LKP July 15, 2010 at 3:46 pm

    i completely agree with home court advantage. you can’t be too safe in this day & age. not to mention, when they’re in your home you KNOW without a doubt that all is safe, and well, and wholesome…no stress about whether the kids will be involved in or subjected to anything below your family’s morals & standards. same story with our daughter. we really don’t even do sleepovers unless they are at our home, and even then i’m very particular about who we allow sleepover. one person can change the whole spirit in our home. i don’t want that to sound snobbish, i’m just careful. luckily our daughter understands why. she’s even witnessed some of my concerns unfold in particular girls. now, part of me wonders if some of these girls’ fates would’ve been different had they been allowed to hang in our home with our standards. perhaps, but unlikely. i find that when i rely on the holy spirit to guide me in the matters of guests & their spiritual countenance, i’m not lead astray. some girls have had some of our standards wear off on them. they seem better off than in the beginning. other girls, who’ve only stepped foot in our home once, who the holy spirit has helped me discern whether they’re safe enough, have unfortunately had light shed on their situations/decisions. and i feel most grateful for Heavenly Father’s help in keeping my daughter, home, & family safe from their influence.
    is this all making sense? i’m afraid i’m having a hard time explaining this all. in my head it sounds right, but translated it to here feels like s struggle.
    i believe protecting your family’s virtue is of the utmost importance. not just virtue as in the way of sexual purity, but in the matter of other morals & standards. and even in the way of sexual purity, not saying all kids out there would DO something to my daughter, but what they may SAY to my daughter, or TEACH my daughter. it’s not worth it to me to risk any of that just so a little girl doesn’t get her feelings hurt. ((gosh, now i think i’m sounding heartless))
    let me just say, there’s a lot in this little scripture:
    “…for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord.” (Isaiah 54:1)
    this scripture is about the days we live in. i’m not speaking in just a literal manner, but in a spiritual manner. a marriage is a symbol of fulness. completion. from a spiritual standpoint, i want my daughter to have that fulness & sense of wholesome completion. not to have her ideals & wholeness rent from her. i don’t want her to have to wonder just because someone else is second-guessing. does that make sense?
    oh well.
    i love your posts. they always get my wheels, cogs, & gears turning. you rock!
    (maybe i should’ve gone over to modsquad and said all this too. i guess i’m just afraid, since i’m having a hard time putting all these thoughts together into something that flows, that i wouldn’t want anyone to misunderstand me.)
    have a lovely thursday!

  2. Tiffany July 15, 2010 at 8:31 pm

    Great pic! Thanks for sharing. Lilah always has a great time at your house. She came home making sure we said our prayer before dinner with an “amen” at the end! Thanks for having her. We’d love to have Wynter over before school starts.

  3. karen July 16, 2010 at 3:01 pm

    I am so completely with you on this one. I want our home to be the home where all the boys’ friends come to play. I always call it the “fun house”, but “home court advantage” just sounds so much better!

  4. katherinemarie July 16, 2010 at 3:03 pm

    YESSSSS!!!! “I want my home to be a place where my girls want to be … where their friends want to be.” I so AGREE! For me sometimes it gets stressful since we are the house to be at… now I can just tell myself— Katherine- you’ve got the home court advantage!!!!


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